Saturday, 18 June 2011

Potentially Risky Weight Loss Methods to Stay Away From

Are you trying to lose weight? There is a wealth of available information and you must pick one plan that appears reasonable to you. Because it's tough to follow a diet and exercise every day, some people decide to use weight loss methods that can be very dangerous. Most commonly, women are using these drastic methods as they feel pressured into being thin by society. Our society presses women into being thin so they often choose these dangerous weight loss methods. It's great to be a healthy weight, nonetheless following these methods of weight loss will result in your overall health diminishing and you will become ill. Here, I'll be telling you about these methods so that you can avoid them.

Starvation is a usual drastic diet plan that people use even though it can cause them to feel very fatigued. Some people decide to not eat breakfast, others skip lunch, and many decide to skip both meals. In your mind, you tell yourself that you're not famished even though your belly is grumbling like crazy, screaming I want to be fed!. Your body is wise, though, and it can adjust. Since your body believes it is being starved, it slows the metabolism process in order to save energy, leading you to burn less fat than you normally would. When you choose to eat normally once more, your metabolism will still be pretty slow, so you will store calories more easily, resulting in you putting on all of that fat faster. While it is true that you can slim down when you go on starvation mode, you will lose more weight by following a regimen of sensible diet and exercise. Isn't it better to eat food, be healthy and lose more weight?

Anorexia can happen when you starve yourself regularly. What happens is that you acquire a fear of food and becoming fat which results in your eating very little and becoming extremely thin. You can lose your hair, turn extremely weak physically, and can even die as a result of anorexia. Teens oftentimes experiment with starvation diets but, alas, when you become fixed on starving yourself, you can become anorexic and do irreversible harm to your health.

Bulimia is another risky weight loss method. Bulimic people regularly regurgitate after bingeing on huge amounts of food so that the calories will not add weight to their bodies. They are not afraid of food as anorexics do, but they feel ashamed after binging on large amounts of food and so they throw it back up. Bulimia is tough to identify because bulimic people usually hold the same basic body weight. Regurgitating your food is dangerous for your body. Your heart and other vital body parts can be badly damaged. You may develop stomach ulcers as a result of the continual puking. Your teeth are also damaged from all of the stomach acid, not to mention your esophagus. The acid can likewise cause damage to your pharynx. You can badly injure your body by vomiting your food.

The safest approach is to eat sensible servings of healthy foods. This means smaller servingsand cutting back on rich foods. It is possible to truly slim down without trying such dangerous methods.

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