Sunday, 10 July 2011

Cholesterol Lowering Diets

There are a lot of things that you may not know about your body and how it works, but I would really love it if you would understand that too much cholesterol in your bloodstream could actually kill you. You need to begin to lower it if you want to remain alive. That’s all. Lowering of your cholesterol is very important if you are serious about staying alive.

Stomach distress is an unpleasant side effect of changing your diet too suddenly. I know that you really want to lose weight, and that you can no longer stand hearing the doctor warn you about your cholesterol levels. However you did not get to be that way in a day and it is certainly going to take more than a day to get you off. Take your time with the program.

I know of people who did a sudden u-turn on their diets and ended up with flatulence and diarrhea. Duh! What were they thinking? Rome certainly wasn’t built in a day, so if they are going to lower the cholesterol, it will have to take some time, and not overnight. But the good news is that it can be done and will eventually happen if you get it done.

Foods that contain soluble fiber are about the best for folks like you who are trying to lower their blood cholesterol. I have spoken with more than my fair share of nutritionists, dieticians, doctors and gastroenterologists, and they all say the same thing. So if I die from a heart attack due to too much cholesterol in my system, the laugh’s going to be on me.

Without the vegetables and the fruit, you’d be deceiving yourself thinking you are doing away with the cholesterol in your system. All you’d be achieving was self-starvation. Now I don't think you want to be telling a story like that. So, why don’t you go grocery shopping and buy a few of those roughages?


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